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Data on home services at the user's TV screen – The "Red button" service example

Project partners: MKS d.o.o. Ljubljana, SIIX d.o.o. Ljubljana, Smart Com Ljubljana

For independent living at home many elderly, disabled and chronically ill people need help that comes to their home directly (e.g. nursing, meals on wheels, home maid) or remotely (e.g. telecare or telemedicine service). Only by external support they may fulfil their health and/or social needs. For many of them it would be of great value if they had at their hand a monthly agenda on who and when will or has already entered their home, what services will be or have already been delivered, and also how much the services cost for the particular month. Service providers have these data, so they can share them with their users.
To demonstrate its feasibility we have developed an Internet based solution that returns the user’s data to the user and presents them on an interactive IP based TV in the “IRIS smart home”. Data on calls done by »red button« carephone in the “IRIS smart home” to the community response centre of Ljubljana were used as an example. A user in the “IRIS smart home” show room has only to select »Telecare service« from the menu on the iTV to see the history of the calls and the user data available to telecare operators to efficiently respond when needed.

“Design for all« principles were used when developing the solution. Consequently, it can therefore be used for any other service and implemented for general public as well. We believe that solutions like the one described contribute to a “user empowerment” paradigm.

telecare service data on users TV

Telecare service related data returned to a telecare user’s IP TV